Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught, will we realize that we can’t eat money. — Native American Cree proverb
Why do we tend to value people, places and things more when we are at risk of losing them?
The Ultimate Kindness
Just a Minute
A minute seems so minuscule that we don’t give much thought to wasting it. “There are so many more in a day,” we say. But those minutes, moments, hours, days are precious and when gone can never be recovered.
Life Is Precious
Today’s headlines made me gasp. Anthony Bourdain, the well-loved chef and traveling host of a popular gourmet TV series, died at the age of 61. When I learned that he had hung himself in his French hotel room, I was deeply saddened. What is it that made him – or any human being for that matter – choose to end his life?
Hope Is…Alive and Well
Despite the constant stream of negative news, there are encouraging signs that hope is alive and well with this younger generation as they find new ways of promoting a kinder, more inclusive world.
We are already seeing evidence of the ways that students are engaged
Find What Brings You Joy
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. – Howard Thurma
What is it that enlivens you and brings you joy? What do you love doing so much that you’d do it for free because
It’s the Little Things…
In this increasingly impersonal and divided world, it’s easy to feel discouraged and disheartened. It may seem difficult to find meaningful ways that we can make a difference. Many times, it’s the small, everyday acts of love and kindness that can help us to feel more positive and hopeful.
What’s Important?
Even at five years old, I knew what was valuable, what I wanted to hold on to. From a window of our third-floor apartment, as I watched cars floating down the flooded streets and people being lowered by ropes onto waiting rowboats, I wondered if we would have to leave too. I felt safe with
News! News! Read All About It!
Here’s some News! And it’s REAL! “Kindness is alive and well and THRIVING!” We may not always notice because acts of compassion are quietly humble. Any acknowledgement comes from the gratitude that flows from the hearts of those giving or receiving random acts of kindness.
Before I Die
“Life is brief and tender. Thinking about death clarifies our life.” ~Candy Chang
Death may seem closer as we age, but the truth is that any of us could die at any time with no warning and no time to do the things that we truly want to do, want to give, want to say …
The World Is Shifting. Are YOU?
We are experiencing dramatic changes – in our climate, our governments and financial systems – but the biggest shift may be happening within ourselves.
Awareness doesn’t always come easily. Sometimes it takes a trip down the road of despair to discover who we are and what authentically defines us:
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