Just a Minute

A minute seems so minuscule that we don’t give much thought to wasting it. “There are so many more in a day,” we say. But those minutes, moments, hours, days are precious and when gone can never be recovered.

Just a MinuteIn less than 60 seconds, we can tell someone “I love you”, smile at a stranger, give a friend a hug, say a prayer for someone in need, call someone to wish them a beautiful day or let someone know: “I’m sorry”, “thank you”, or “I’m here for you”.

Life is made up of a series of moments. Oftentimes it’s the littlest things that mean the most.

It only takes a minute to bring joy to another person’s day, to send a love note, to post a message of kindness or hope on FB, or to TEXT “I miss you”, “You’re special” or simply, “Thinking of you…”

It’s too easy to say we don’t have time, but in fact it may be the most valuable gift we have to give.
And we never know when those minutes may run out despite our extensive ‘to do’ lists.

Don’t wait. Take just a minute now!

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