What Are You Counting?

During this holiday season, what if instead of counting the presents under the tree and all of the cards, texts, tweets and twitters, we count the blessings in our lives – the friends and family, the freedoms, the joys, the opportunities for connecting on a deeper level, the good health of ourselves and loved ones, and the home that gives us shelter and solace.

what are you counting | Love is the New CurrencyWe spend so much time counting, gathering, worrying about, holding onto our “stuff” – carrying it from place to place, concerned about things being broken, stolen or lost – that we may be missing out on precious moments to appreciate our life and the people with whom we are sharing it.

The clock is ticking. Let’s not allow more valuable time to go by without being fully conscious of what brings us and others happiness and having gratitude for the gift of being alive.

What would it feel like to simply appreciate the moments – when we helped a friend, held someone in a loving embrace, extended kindness to a stranger, shared ourselves openly with another, celebrated someone’s good news, made someone smile, laughed our heads off . . .

Let’s count our blessings, not our things, and watch them grow. It may count for more than we will ever know.

Have a fabulous, joy-filled, and loving holiday season!

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