Stand Strong

The sun was shining today – a day of warmth, light, promise . . . until the news announced 49 innocent lives lost, 53 more at risk of their health and possible survival – all transformed forever.

Life changes in a moment. What we held dear can be gone at the speed of a bullet and we are left to pick up the pieces, to try to find the hope, the peace, the love in a crazy world where people are killed for a belief, a lifestyle, or for loving someone that somebody deems unacceptable.

The abhorrent, senseless acts are just that. They can rob us of what were once beautiful living beings and leave us with darkened spirits. But as with all things, we get to choose – to choose hope over fear, love over hate, inclusion over ostracism, an open heart rather than one that is closed, protected.

Through the outpourings of love the darkness is dispelled one kind act, one loving heart at a time. Through the unity of many compassionate people coming together, we feel the hope for a positive, more enlightened world. I don’t know why it takes such dark acts to bring out the light, but it is all the more powerful and transformative when it does.

Two days after the shooting, I looked up at the sky to see a dark cloud surrounded by the most beautiful, light cumulus clouds and was reminded that the light will always overcome the dark.

Even when it’s difficult to feel the oneness of all life, we can choose to stand strong in our belief that love is the best way to honor those who have died and to celebrate the lives of those still here.

Let’s stand strong.

stand strong | clouds

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