The Last Breath

I have never been good at saying ‘goodbye’ and especially when I wondered if it might be the last time that I might see a loved one. I remember the yearly visits from my mom, when we would go on a vacation together and I would take her to the airport. I would hug her and tell her “I love you” so many times and yet was still unable to drive away . . . without just one more! Fortunately, I have had many more opportunities to tell Mom how precious she is to me, to wish her “Happy Mother’s Day” again, and to let her know how much I appreciate our daily phone calls and twice-yearly visits. But not so, with my dad, whom I will be forever grateful that I was able to be with him as he drew his last breath.

There is a hole in one’s heart when someone we love departs this earth plane, a sadness that permeates every thought and interaction, a realization that who was once a part of our life is gone forever – no more phone calls or physical connections.

I have recently lost a good friend, have two friends who are receiving hospice care and another who is facing a cancer diagnosis. This morning in meditation, I wrote about BREATH.

The gift of life, the sign of life, so fragile, so easily stopped or taken away,
often taken for granted, as though we had an endless supply that would always be available – until it’s not!
And one day we will realize – perhaps in panic, but hopefully, in peace –
“this is our last and final one!”
Whether prepared or taken by surprise –our life as we know it in this earthly body will be complete.

May we experience gratitude for each precious breath – this gift of life – NOW in this moment. We never know when it will be the last time. And how we choose to be present will help us to ensure that each day and each person whom we are with is as cherished a gift as we will likely ever receive.

And to those loved ones in your life . . . tell them how precious they are, what they mean to you every chance you get. Tell someone “I love you” – even if they have to hear it 100 times before they can believe it.

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