Sounds of Laughter

Today I heard laughter – my own – and it was at myself. I was saying to my partner: “I don’t need to watch the news incessantly. All I need are the headlights.” We both laughed and it felt good.

I’ve been making ‘funny mistakes’ lately . . . like trying to get onto a zoom baby shower party, only to learn that I had the date wrong . . . by 2 weeks! Or having my mat and blocks all set up for a zoom yoga class, waiting for the teacher to let me in . . . but I was too early – by 24 hours! How about mistyping my name so often that I’ve thought about changing it to Lidna!

I could blame covid or chemo brain or stress or aging . . . and perhaps they each play a part in creating some anxiety in my life, but I choose to just laugh it off and to do the things that bring calm, joy, and peace into my world.

Sometimes it is during a crisis or challenging life situation that I’ve discovered how resilient I am. I may not have a lot of control over life events, but I’ve learned that I can change the way I respond to them. I know I have a lot better chance when I look for the positive, the good, and yes, the humor in a situation.

Last year was a most difficult time for me. Through a cancer diagnosis, surgery, radiation and chemo – amidst the losses of my dad and one of my dearest friends – I found that I was the most resilient. There was much to be grateful for – a supportive partner, prayers and love from family and friends, along with a positive attitude and sense of humor. While experiencing excessive hair loss, this song came into my mind. To the sounds of, “Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head” . . . I sang “My hair keeps falling off my head. I want to cry but I will laugh instead . . .” And difficult as it was to look in the mirror, it worked. I managed to keep as positive an outlook as I could. And now a year later, I have a head of dark curly hair and am reminded of the hairdresser, who decades ago, tried to give me a perm. When I went back three days later, he looked at me and said, “Listen, only God can give you curls and I’m NOT God!” and he returned my money. I’d love to send him a photo of my new look!

The sounds of laughter can be as comforting and uplifting as the sounds of the birds singing outside my window. I’ve been spending more time listening to them and often whistling back.

Life may not be easy, but we can be kinder to ourselves and others and try to find the positive, good things in our world. Let’s turn off the headlines of negative news and let’s find the highlights of our lives – the people and things that we are grateful for and the funny things we say or do (intentionally or not) that help us to send sounds of laughter out into the world.

Blessings to you and your loved ones,

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p.s. How would you answer this Just Ask 1 2 3 question: “What is a funny thing that happened to you?” Please feel free to share your answer here or on FB Just Ask 1 2 3.

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