Let’s Connect

“The most powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen.”  Rachel Naomi Remen

On my way to my first in-person yoga class in almost a year – outdoors and socially distanced, of course – I was listening to a radio program that deeply resonated. It was about a UK study by Jo Cox which found that “over 9 million people often or always feel lonely. It continued, “Young or old, loneliness doesn’t discriminate.” The then Prime Minister Theresa May decided to do something about it and created a position, “Minister of Loneliness”. And this was long BEFORE Covid!

My heart aches to think about how many people in this world suffer from loneliness. I can’t accept the fact that there are billions of us on this planet, and yet so many of us don’t have someone to talk to or listen to us, to care about how we’re feeling, or to acknowledge our existence. And despite the fact that we have more ways of connecting technologically than ever before, why do so many feel alone? What can we do to alleviate what can be considered an “epidemic of loneliness”?

This may be the most challenging time to reach out, but it may never be as important as it is now. How can we connect and create community in the midst of quarantining?

Here’s just one example: Early in the pandemic and lockdown, Jeanne and Judy, residents of Sarasota’s Central Park Condos were concerned: “It will be so lonely for people. How will we know how anyone is doing?” They decided to invite residents to participate in what they called the “6 x 6” group, meeting outdoors (initially in a circular drive way), twice a week at 6 p.m. and keeping at least 6 feet apart. These gatherings have been taking place for several months and everyone has become closer as part of a more supportive community. Recently, when Wayne, an 80-year-old, long-time resident and recent widower, decided to move back to be with his family, the group sent him off with notes of well-wishes and lots of healthy snacks for the 8-hr drive back to his roots. We still keep in touch.

I wondered, “How could I reach out, in whatever way I can, to help someone to feel seen and heard and appreciated?” I love this quote by Mother Theresa: “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” I’ve decided to do something small every day to connect . . . a phone call, an email, a card, a kind word, an invitation for a walk . . . to whomever pops into my mind that day, often someone whom I know lives alone.

There were times in my life, when I’ve been able to do more, but I’ve always loved to connect people! I’ve had years of practice. Living in Colorado, I used to drag my single friends out socially for dinner, a hike, dancing . . . so often that they called me “Miss Denver”. As the sole owner of a business, I often wished that I had a partner to talk to. After I sold my company, I created a support group for women business owners (CommitoConnections) to be able to share their challenges and successes. We met monthly for over 7 years! And I love introducing friends to other friends. One match ended in a marriage last year!

This passion is why I created Just Ask 1 2 3 question cards as a fun pathway to conversation, kindness and connection for people of different ages, beliefs, and backgrounds to get to know each other (without a single mention of politics). Find out more below about this fun and easy way to connect.

I am grateful for our connection. Thank you so much for keeping in touch with me. It means a lot!

Wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful and loving New Year.

LET’S CONNECT! I’d like to offer another way if you are game! Would you be willing to join some friends on the Just Ask 1 2 3 Facebook Group whose members can play by answering a fun question each week? I have wonderful friends – YOU ARE ONE!Click here to request to join the group on Facebook. And if you don’t use social media, you can share a comment on my blog post here. Here is a question to start: What is a new or favorite way that you have found to CONNECT during covid? We would all love to know! CLICK HERE to leave your answers on the Facebook group, or on the blog as a comment here.

And for ‘Valentine’s Day’ – a day to honor love and relationships of all types – I am offering a discount and Free Shipping on a three pack of Just Ask 1 2 3 card decks until February 14th. Perfect to play with friends and loved ones on zoom or in person. Learn more or purchase a 3 pack deck here.

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