Peace and Unity in Times of Uncertainty

If one completes the journey to one’s own heart, one will find oneself in the heart of everyone else.  Father Thomas Keating There is no limit to the things, people and events that can cause uncertainty and anxiety in our lives. But how we deal with our anxiety, where we find peace in the midst of it, and how we create connections can be a tremendous source of comfort. How can we share what is giving us hope and a sense of purpose and belonging in an … [Read more...]

Please Remind Me . . .

I had a friend who was very dear in my life, but the passing years, the physical distance and other relationships had taken precedence in priority and time. It had been many years since Barbara and I had seen each other. But this last week – there she was – in my thoughts and memories - of our trip to Italy, our exploring Machu Pichu, our women’s group gatherings... I wanted to give her a call, to let her know how much she meant to me, but I didn’t. A week later, I received a phone call from … [Read more...]

Everyday Kindness

It’s easy to close ourselves off these days – in fact, it’s encouraged. But at what cost? It feels like there’s more distance, less connection and communication as we separate ourselves out of self-preservation. It’s harder to converse with others when we’re out, especially among the sea of masked faces, difficult to hear or speak even when we do make an effort. How can we get to the heart of what’s important and find new ways of connecting based on our common experiences? This is a time … [Read more...]

Sounds of Laughter

Today I heard laughter – my own – and it was at myself. I was saying to my partner: “I don’t need to watch the news incessantly. All I need are the headlights.” We both laughed and it felt good. I’ve been making ‘funny mistakes’ lately . . . like trying to get onto a zoom baby shower party, only to learn that I had the date wrong . . . by 2 weeks! Or having my mat and blocks all set up for a zoom yoga class, waiting for the teacher to let me in . . . but I was too early – by 24 hours! How … [Read more...]

Living BIG Outside Our Boxes

How many of us are feeling as though we are living inside a box, looking through our windows at the world out there–one that we can’t be a part of? For most of us nothing feels “normal” and it’s hard to find our place in this new, unchartered territory. Overwhelming statistics of disease and death can’t be ignored. Touch, that was once our way of showing affection, is not acceptable when we are “social distancing”. To wear a mask or not – why is that even a question? Change isn’t often … [Read more...]

The World Is Shifting. Are YOU?

We are experiencing dramatic changes - in our climate, our government, our health and financial systems - but the biggest shift may be happening within ourselves.Awareness doesn’t always come easily. Sometimes it takes a trip down the road of despair to discover who we are and what authentically defines us: What do we stand for? What gives hope, meaning and value to our lives? How are we contributing to the well-being of others? What kind of a future do we want to … [Read more...]


Selecting this question from my Just Ask 1 2 3 card deck as a writing prompt, it was easy to answer. My mom, Therese, was the fifth child in a strict, French catholic family of eight. Despite the poverty and the constant moving, nothing could dampen Therese’s love for her brother and sisters, her spunk, nor the joy that she had in taking care of other people’s children and the desire to have her own someday. I was lucky, many years later, to be the first of three. Therese was a dedicated mom … [Read more...]

How do you talk to yourself?

How do you talk to yourself when you make a mistake or when you struggle to remember a name or a date? What do you tell yourself when you think that you’re “not good enough or smart enough” or when you say or do something “inappropriate”? Oftentimes, it’s our negative self-talk that is the loudest and yet we don’t even consider that it may be prejudiced, one-sided, or simply wrong. There was a time in my life when the “Voice in my Head” was quick to judge my thoughts or actions. And perhaps … [Read more...]


Quarantined in our homes, unable to gather in restaurants, coffee shops, social settings - places where we used to meet up with friends and family – we may be feeling a little isolated and disconnected. With restricted or no real face time, we might ask ourselves, “How can we stay connected while being physically apart? Who and what is most important in our lives? How are we experiencing this time of uncertainty?” Conversations and connections may be increasingly valued when they’re not as … [Read more...]

This Precious Moment

Life is made up of a series of moments. Oftentimes it’s the littlest things that mean the most. In a moment, we can tell someone “I love you”, smile at a stranger, give a friend a hug, say a prayer for someone in need, or let someone know: “I’m sorry”, “thank you”, or “I’m here for you.” This instant may be all that we have to bring joy to another person’s day, to post a message of kindness on FB, or call, email, or text “I miss you”, “You’re special”, or simply, “Thinking of you.” … [Read more...]