Time goes by whether we are noticing it or not. How often have we asked: “Where did the day go, or the week or month?” Have you ever said, “I can’t believe another year has gone by” as you get a new calendar to mark off your days on this earth? I have years-worth of calendars to remind myself how busy I’ve been, but did I enjoy or appreciate those days as much as I could have?
At times, I feel as though I were on a Merry-Go-Round, like I’d experienced as a child. My favorite book was GIGI The Story of a Merry-Go-Round horse, when I would imagine I was watching the world of people go by. Sometimes the Merry-Go-Round would speed up and the faces in the crowd would change.
It started out being fun, but now I’m happy to get off and experience life at a slower pace by appreciating more of the simple things . . . a walk amongst the flowers and trees, or putting my feet in the sand as I look for sea shells. Even more important is enjoying the time talking to or just being close with those who are dear in my life.
These moments with loved ones are ever more precious because I realize that there aren’t as many left as I once had, and the ones I do have are going by faster. There is nothing I can do, but to slow down, be present, and appreciate the special times and the people I am sharing them with. But some aren’t there anymore, and those who are don’t always remember.
Lately, I have been paying more attention to the promptings or messages to call or visit someone, lest they slip away unexpectedly or way too soon. It has been happening more often, and I learn too late that the time to say “I love you” is gone.
I realize that I was holding the gold ring in my hand all the time and just had to stop and fully appreciate the moments of affection, the loyalty and love given and received in relationships over the years. Even if these moments didn’t last, the memories did.
For me, the most valuable message is loving and appreciating who I hold dear in my heart now. Being on this spinning earth is like our version of a Merry go round. We may have wanted to get off, but are usually grateful to just have a chance to be on it at all.
And through many of the ups and downs of living, I’ve kept this quote by Brian Andreas on my fridge to remind me: “Feels like some kind of ride but it’s turning out just to be Life going absolutely perfectly.” And it is!
Thank you for being a part of my life as I share these moments and reflections with you. May we all have enough time to share our lives in ways that will create ripples of love and kindness, long after we’ve gone.
Blessings and love to you and all whom you hold dear.
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