Live Your Passion and You Will Change the World

Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
– Howard Thurman 

What is it that enlivens you, that you find joy in expressing, and that you would do for free because it’s what nourishes you and gives meaning and fulfillment to your life? Most of us feel fortunate when we have such a passion—that quality of aliveness and intensity.

For some people it might be their job, for some a creative endeavor, and for others, it is in giving. People who are passionate about giving respond to Live Your Passionthe needs of others as to a calling. They are as committed and generous in their expressions of love and kindness as someone else might be about offering their gifts as an artist, writer, or teacher.

One time, I took a drawing class taught by an artist who told us: “I HAVE TO draw! I draw on anything that is available to me—paper bags, the back of a baseball ticket, a receipt … wherever I am.”

When we think of the people who have truly inspired us, they are most likely the people who did what they did because it was “who they are” and they couldn’t stop doing it. What would our lives be like without such inspiration?

What is it that makes you excited to start your day? What feeds your soul? What excites you so much that you forget to look at the clock and then are shocked when you do, realizing that hours have sped by unnoticed? When you find that ‘thing’ that gives your life meaning, that makes you feel alive: – Embrace it! Savor it! Dream about it and cherish each moment doing it!

And if you don’t yet have the luxury of pursuing your passion full time, find ways to bring it into your life and work, into your daily routine. Do it because it’s who you are – you can’t not do it! Create the space and time to be, to love and cherish that aliveness within you. Do it because you’ll slowly die to who you are if you don’t.

Feed your passion daily, whether it be in spoonfuls or totally immersing yourself in the flood of your creative energy. Let it wash through you so that you can offer it up – renewed and replenished to put on the altar of life – YOURS.

And then support others in doing the same.

Live your passion and you will change the world!


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