Choosing Hope

Please forgive me for taking some time to wrap my mind around what my heart knows to be true.

Disheartened by the discord in a country I love, I initially wrote a blog titled, “It’s Not OK!”, but I couldn’t bring myself to publish it.  I realized that deep down, no matter what the world throws our way, how disillusioned we may feel, that there is always HOPE – for unity, for peace, for connection. It starts within the hearts of you and me.  

We are more than OK!  We always have a choice.  We can hide under the covers, run away to a different land, OR we can embrace change in the most positive ways and help to create the kind, caring, inclusive world that we want to be a part of. 

Let’s open our eyes, minds and hearts to those who are right in front of us – who may look, speak, or act differently than us. They may be our neighbors, fellow citizens or total strangers in this dance of life, whether for a moment, a day or a lifetime.   How can we find peace in our hearts no matter who or what we encounter?  (This image  “Unity Through Diversity” encourages us to each add our own unique (peace) piece to life.)

We can start by truly listening, trying to understand, offering a little kindness, a gesture that says, “I see you.  I care.” It’s also important to speak our truth, to keep our integrity as we share our values and dreams for peace and unity.

Last night, as I watched the full moon in all of its splendor, I felt the sense of oneness and gratitude, knowing that I was sharing it with millions of other inhabitants.

Life is short.  Most of us already have way less time on this planet than we had when we arrived. And we never know when our time will run out.  What are we waiting for?  Why not start now to help to create a more compassionate, caring world?  How can we support each other to live our best life in the most loving way that we can?

When in doubt, just be kind, not only to each other but to our planet.  We can even take it up a notch by truly listening with respect to all viewpoints, in a way that leaves no doubt that they have been seen and heard. Let’s choose to create a world where kindness, hope, love and peace prevail.

Thanksgiving and the holidays are great opportunities to come together as family, friends, neighbors, or strangers, sharing what we each have to offer, not only in the food we share, but in our openness, respect, and thanks for each other and the many blessings in our lives.

Francesco Tarantino shares his relevant song, “We are One”LISTEN HERE.

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