According to Forrest Gump, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” I never liked those boxes of assorted chocolates or being offered a choice of one when I didn’t know what was in it. I will admit to being fussy, and especially not liking things with nuts in them…
Where There Is HOPE
I’ve decided to start this year, not writing a list of resolutions, but thinking of the one word that would guide me in how I want to live and experience this new year. HOPE! Whether in casual encounters or gatherings of family and friends, I know that I feel most hopeful when I can connect on a kinder, more loving, and personal level…
If I Had One More Tomorrow . . .
We get reminders daily that life is fragile and limited. There are usually no warnings that tomorrow may be our last. Would you act differently if you knew? And if so, how would you spend your last day and moments? If I had one more tomorrow, I would get out from behind my desk and take myself for a walk to the nearest big tree…
“GLIMMERS” – What Are They and How Can We Experience More?
“Glimmers”, a term coined by Deb Dana, LCSW in her work on the Polyvagal Theory, are “micro moments of joy that make us feel happy, hopeful and safe”. We are well aware of our “triggers” that can cause anxiety, but identifying glimmers can actually help us to recover from our daily stresses to be in a more peaceful, “parasympathetic state”…
Do Dogs Hold the Secret to Our Hearts?
My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog already thinks I am – Anonymous Have you noticed that dogs have been filling a void in our lives – and in our hearts? At a time when loneliness has become an epidemic in the U.S, affecting our health and well-being, it is more important than ever to form close connections…
When the Goal Isn’t the Finish Line!
I’ve never been accused of being an ‘athlete’! It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I ran my first race in Boulder, Colorado at 5318 miles above sea level. I had just moved there from the east coast and signed up for an exercise class. I hated the running portion of the class, but after
The Secret Life of Bears
In our small Colorado mountain community, the most exciting news might be about a recent bear sighting. “Did you see the little bear today?” referring to the cub roaming the area looking for food. Apparently, I was one of the few who had not been visited by this furry forager. And then I saw him
What We Leave Behind
As I prepare to leave my home, not only for a trip to visit my mom in New England, but in awareness that this is hurricane season in Florida, I have no idea whether I can fly out safely and whether my home and belongings will be intact when I return. I look around at
The Last Breath
I have never been good at saying ‘goodbye’ and especially when I wondered if it might be the last time that I might see a loved one. I remember the yearly visits from my mom, when we would go on a vacation together and I would take her to the airport. I would hug her
Big Love
Most of us have grown up with a concept of “FAMILY” and what that looks like, whether ours fit into our definition and expectations or not. And although mine was considered ‘traditional’, with two parents and a couple of brothers, for whom I am grateful, I have learned to expand my definition of “family” by
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