A Celebration of Love

Why does Valentine’s Day have to be just about romantic connections?  What if it were a day to celebrate love in all of its manifestations? How could we make it more inclusive of everyone rather than focusing solely on a romantic partner? Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to acknowledge those we love. My friend Deana calls it a “love holiday.” It’s a wonderful reminder to put more love into our interactions with others, whether they are friends, parents, children, a neighbor, co-worker or … [Read more...]

Trending Kindness

Be a trend setter! I’ve always loved reading and writing about TRENDS, especially when I had a home accessory business. It’s interesting to discover how trends start and how they can affect or inspire us. Sometimes we aren’t even aware that a collective movement towards an idea or concept influences our thoughts and actions. It seems obvious, and many studies indicate, that we are experiencing a lack of compassion. According to a poll by Kindness USA, “only 25 percent of Americans believe … [Read more...]

Let’s Choose Hope

I recently had an opportunity to talk to 25 college seniors. I asked them: “With a show of hands, how many of you are feeling hopeful or positive about the world today?” Not surprisingly, not a single student’s hand was raised as they looked around amidst the awkward silence. “So, let me ask you”, I continued, “what is it that you would find hopeful and what would you be willing to do to create that?” I must admit I’ve been asking myself that question a lot during these last few months, … [Read more...]

Unity and Peace

As I was praying for enlightened leadership and a more unified country, after a stressful presidential election, these words came to me: We hear your prayers for peace.  Continue to pray daily for unity and peace for all people. Your concerns about this presidential election are valid because it highlights the divisions in the United States between the haves and the have-nots, the educated and uneducated, liberal and conservative and between the masculine and feminine. There needs to be … [Read more...]

In Pursuit of Happiness

In the United States, the pursuit of happiness is stated as one of our inalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence, yet I can’t remember the last time that it was an expressed consideration in developing our government policies. In contrast, in the Himalayan country of Bhutan, with its predominantly Buddhist culture, the focus of its public policies … [Read more...]

Stand Strong

The sun was shining today – a day of warmth, light, promise . . . until the news announced 49 innocent lives lost, 53 more at risk of their health and possible survival – all transformed forever. Life changes in a moment. What we held dear can be gone at the speed of a bullet and we are left to pick up the pieces, to try to find the hope, the peace, the love in a crazy world where people are killed for a belief, a lifestyle, or for loving someone that somebody deems unacceptable. The … [Read more...]

Life is Sweet! Tweet! Tweet!

It seems like a lot of tweeting going on in the cyber world. But are you feeling more, or less, connected? Perhaps in our attempt to ‘not miss anything’, we are missing what’s really important – the simple things in life that can give us the greatest joy. Last week my friend and I went for a walk through Selby Gardens – our favorite place to connect with nature, each other, and to just BE in the present moment. As we entered the greenhouse – a magical world of orchids, bromeliads and … [Read more...]

“Where Do They Go?”

Do you remember the magician’s trick where he puts things into a tall black hat, waves a magic wand, and turns it upside down only to find it empty? Where do all of those scarves and trinkets go? If you ever figure it out, please let me know because I’ve found that my black purse has become my “magic hat”. Every day I put in grocery lists, coupons, receipts, to do’s…and when I reach in to retrieve them, they have magically disappeared. Though I spend a lot of time trying to find them, I … [Read more...]

Is Love For The Birds?

It was late afternoon as I walked through the deserted garage in my condo complex focused on a handful of mail I had retrieved. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a slight movement on the ground. Becoming very still I saw a morning dove, fragile, yet fearless in his steadfastness. Using my best chirping imitation in an attempt to reassure him, I stepped closer. Surprised that he did not move away, I wondered, Was he hurt? But then I remembered that doves are usually in pairs. “Where … [Read more...]

Let’s light up the New Year with LOVE!

What Will It Take? What will it take for peace and love to prevail so that we can create a different tale? from “playing nice in the sandbox” to open communication and peace talks it’s time to forgive and make reparation for all the times we’ve caused separation How can we live the truth that we are all One? It is then that our work will have just begun let’s try our best to see the beauty in all living beings…it’s our duty to accept one and all and heed the call let’s do our … [Read more...]