Love Is the New Currency Book Launch Party (filmed at the Cafe Palm on June 1st 2011). Whether you were there or wished that you were…enjoy this video of a magical evening. Meet the Author [youtube][/youtube] Meet the Heroes [youtube][/youtube]
Meet the Author and Some of the Heroes of Love Is the Currency
Listen to the WSLR Interview with Linda Commito
Click below to listen as Linda had the opportunity to talk about Love Is the New Currency on WSLR. [audio:|titles=LindaCommito]
Ask the Author
Do you have questions about Love Is the New Currency or the book writing, editing or publishing process? Use the comment box below to ask your questions.
Photo Contest
Submit your photo that demonstrates an act of kindness for Love Is the New Currency’s new video coming out soon. Qualifications to enter: Must be your own photo (if selected, there is a waiver form to sign) Must have permission to use it from people in the photo (esp. in the U.S.) Submissions will be
Life Happens
After a little respite in the mountains, my car is packed and I’m sitting and waiting, for almost three hours now, for a tow truck to arrive (the second one to be called after the first one had a defective part on their truck). I could berate myself for losing the only master key that
Presentation at Spirit Keepers Sunday July 24th
With Linda Commito, author of Love Is the New Currency shares how the title for this book came in a meditation. The inspiring message took her on a compelling journey to meet people who are shifting their thoughts and actions to create a world where the currency of love has a greater, more enduring value
The power of positivity
SOUTHBRIDGE — Southbridge native Linda Commito has found 111 ways that those around her are making positive differences. Commito has published her first book, “Love is the New Currency,” and will be reading from the book at 7 p.m. on Friday, June 10 at the Quinebaug Valley Council for the Arts at 111 Main St.
Book signing at the ISSSEEM (International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies) Conference
June 25th Saturday 5:00 p.m. and June 26th Sunday at 12:00 noon. Westin Hotel in Westminster, CO Book signing at the ISSSEEM (International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies) Conference: June 25th Saturday 5:00 p.m. and June 26th Sunday at 12:00 noon. Interview with Linda Commito Pt. 2
[youtube][/youtube]‘s in-depth interview with Linda Commito, talking about her new book, Love Is the New Currency.
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