What Are You Noticing?

What Are You Noticing?

We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you’re loved and never alone.”  –  from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Cards.

The signs are everywhere!  I’ve found feathers in the most unlikely places – in the ladies room of a local bookstore, in the aisle of the supermarket, or the entry to my home.

Blog by Linda Commito called What are you Noticing?And the coins, along with the feathers, always bring a smile as I look down to find a token of hope and encouragement.  Once a friend and I were walking in the middle of a neighborhood street talking about the things that seem to just show up, when we looked down and each found three coins scattered on the road.  You might have thought that we had discovered pieces of gold, and perhaps they were – golden messages reminding us that we are loved and being watched over.

While I’ve always felt that heart-shaped rocks carry such significance, most recently I have been discovering gigantic heart rocks, a hundred times the size of the ones I used to carry in my pockets.  Strangely, they were found along paths that I have walked many times, but never seen.  I wonder how many other gifts of the heart that I’ve missed while living in my head, consumed with “matters of consequence.”  What could be more valuable than this moment, person, or thing that I often pass without awareness?

Have you been noticing multiple numbers showing up in your life? Sometimes, I will consciously catch myself looking at my clock at certain 11.11times:  4:44, 12:12, 3:33.  Once I purchased a sandwich and a snack and noted the amount on the cash register: $11.11.

Threes have always been important to me.  Whenever I get the same message three times in a short period, I pay attention.  It has prompted major moves in my life – unexpected, uncharacteristic, and always fortuitous.  But the frequency of these multiple numbers has me marveling at what they portray – a more hopeful, connected world.

And most recently, I believe that I‘m in for some big changes.  Although I’m not always thrilled to encounter the messengers, snakes have been showing up to get my attention.  While snakes usually portend healing and transformation, I must admit I feel most grateful once I’m safely out of their way!

What are the signs in your life that remind you that you are loved?  Perhaps you’ll notice some new validating evidence that you are never really alone.

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