Are we connecting in ways that matter?

Global Neighborhood "To love one’s country is natural, but why must it end at that border?" Pablo Cassals Have you ever heard these words as a child: “Finish your vegetables, because poor people are starving”? It didn’t mean much to me then because I had never seen someone starving in China or India or anywhere. Today, because of cable television, we regularly see the hungry faces of people in other countries in our living rooms, kitchens, and classrooms. It makes the plight of others more … [Read more...]

What Are You Noticing?

What Are You Noticing? “We drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you’re loved and never alone.”  -  from Doreen Virtue’s Angel Oracle Cards. The signs are everywhere!  I’ve found feathers in the most unlikely places – in the ladies room of a local bookstore, in the aisle of the supermarket, or the entry to my home. And the coins, along with the feathers, always bring a smile as I look down to find a token of hope and encouragement.  Once a friend and I … [Read more...]

Are You Connecting?

Have you seen the TV commercial where a man is interviewing kids and asks them, “Is it better to do two things at once or one?”  Kids answer with a resounding “Two!”  AT&T would have you believe that surfing and talking are better than doing just one at a time.  But is that true? When someone is more concerned with grabbing their ringing cell phone than finishing their conversation with you or they leave you hanging in mid-sentence to see who just texted them, it’s hard to feel valued. … [Read more...]